Three mobile operators Grameen Phone, Robi and Teletalk got permission for high-speed wireless internet services



State Minister for Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology Junaid Ahmed Palak handed over unified licenses to three operators under the chairmanship of Chairman Mohiuddin Ahmed in the conference room of BTRC Bhavan in Agargaon of the capital.

BTRC says, as a result, the three mobile operators Grameenphone, Robi and Teletalk will be able to offer all new technical facilities including 5G under the same license. Besides, fixed wireless access facility of telecom operators is also covered under this license. As a result, they will be able to provide internet connection facilities like internet service providers.

Information Technology State Minister Junaid Ahmed Palak said, "The government is taking the technology sector forward in line with other countries of the world to lead the fourth industrial revolution. A unique example of which is today's licensing. As a result of this license no new license will be required regardless of 5G or any other new technology. Besides, IoT devices and various industries will be important in the case of fixed wireless express.

Internet service providers of the country have expressed concern about the business due to the issuance of this license. They say that coordination with them was needed before taking such a decision.

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