International Women's Day is celebrated in Batiaghata Upazila


 International Women's Day was celebrated on Friday (March 8) through a comprehensive program on the initiative of Khulna's Batiaghata Upazila Nijra Kari Bhumihin Organization with the slogan "Investment to advance equal rights and opportunities for women in Tiaghata Upazila". Ashe Kari office head Ava Rani Raha led a procession at the upazila parishad square after the procession in which professor and journalist Enayet Ali Biswas was present as the chief guest, Bhagwati Goldar, the former female vice chairman of the upazila parishad, women entrepreneurs Bina Ray, Aarti were present as special guests. Sarkar, Kshirad Chandra Das, Dr. Rabindra Nath Mondal, Tagore Mondal, Chitra,

At this time, various beneficiaries, media workers and dignitaries of various classes and professions were present.


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