America complains about the clothes made in Bangladesh,Bangladesh is exporting fake clothes


In the world market,Bangladesh is in the second top position in the export of manufactured garments. In addition to maintaining its position, the country's share in the world market is increasing by 1.5 percentage points, which is much ahead of Vietnam, according to a report of the World Statistical Review (WTO) 2023 of the World Trade Organization. Global Epidemic Corona Due to the outbreak of the virus covid-19, the economic infrastructure of all the world continues to be of low quality. Ignoring all the obstacles of corona, Bangladesh is playing an important role in protecting the country from economic loss by using the economic opportunity and the manpower of the country through the export of garment industry.

But the United States Trade Representative's Office USTR has revealed in a report that Bangladesh is making and exporting fake clothes to various countries in the world market.

According to various studies of the United States, five countries in the world are exporting fake clothes to the world market, among which Bangladesh is one country. The American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA), an organization of American brands, complained to the US Trade Representative's Office USTR.

It is being informed by the organization that Bangladesh's exports of fake clothes are increasing continuously. They said that fake clothes have been caught in 12 countries of the world, including the United Kingdom and the United States. They also said that the export of fake clothes is increasing by 50% more than in 2022. As a result, Bangladesh needs to be monitored. It has been recommended by the top organization of US trade representatives to be on the top list.

The apex organization also said that in 2022, 175,000 clothes were seized in 17 raids in Malaysia and the Philippines, all of which were exported by Bangladesh. The country has complained of exporting such fake clothes to different countries of the world.


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